The Department of Urology, Hospital Selayang functions as a tertiary unit. Apart from providing General Urological services, it has been earmarked as the centre for the subspecialty of Renal Transplantation, Endourology and Stone Management and Urodynamics and Reconstructive Urological Surgery. The staff presently consists of four specialists and six medical officers.
ESWL Services is provided for patients from all over Malaysia who are treated with our Storz Modulith SLX machine, both as inpatients and outpatients. Stone localisation is predominantly by fluoroscopy. This unit reaches an overall complete stone fragmentation rate of 79% (renal 81.5%, ureteric 73.3%).
This is the only Urology unit in this country with access to Holmium Laser and it is being used extensively for endourological procedures. In addition, it is the referral centre for diagnostic flexible ureteroscopic assessment for renal and upper ureteric pathology.
Complex Reconstructive surgical procedures such as bladder substitutions (neobladders), urethroplasties (anastomotic and patch buccal mucosal graft) and Mitrofanoff procedures have also been performed.
Renal Transplant surgery has been performed regularly since the 10th July 2000.
Selayang Hospital is also the referral centre for video urodynamics.