Pilihan Bahasa

Outpatient Services

General Clinic sessions cater for patient with scheduled appointment Specialized clinic sessions cater for patient from the General clinic with specific illness which requires further investigations e.g. Fine needle aspiration cytology, allergy tests or specific management such as voice rehabilitation, hearing aid fitting, vertigo evaluation and rehabilitation; or continuous care.

FEES & Swallowing Clinic scheduled on Thursday afternoons provides a comprehensive approach in managing dysphagic patients by the ORL surgeon, Speech Therapist and dietitian.

Vestibular Clinic conducted by the ORL surgeon and assisted by a Nursing Sister trained in the diagnosis, management and rehabilitation of patients with vertigo and balance disorders. The clinics are on Thursday and Friday afternoons.

OSA Clinic provides an avenue for the ORL surgeon to review the sleep study montage and results and jointly managed these patients with the sleep technicians, CPAP suppliers and the dietitian in order to get the optimum advantage of the collaborations.

Audiology Clinics are of 2 types; Walk-in which runs concurrently with the General ORL Clinic sessions and Scheduled Clinic for specific audiological tests and rehabilitation.

Speech Therapy provides services to adult and children including swallowing rehabilitation; hearing impaired; speech & language and voice.