Pilihan Bahasa

Clinic, Ward and Daycare Information and Location

1. Inpatient Care

General Surgery Wards

·         Female Ward – 4A (Level 4)

·         Male Ward – 4B (Level 4)

·         Burns Unit (Level 5)

·         Paediatrics Multidisciplinary Ward 8C (Level 8

·         Multidisciplinary First Class Wards 9A and 9B (Level 9)

          For visiting hours, please refer to the hospital main webpage

2. Outpatient Care

General Surgery Clinic (Level 4)

·         On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8.00am – 1.00pm

3. Day Care

Daycare Surgery (Daycare Unit Level 2)

·         Under local anaesthesia, Wednesdays, 8.00am – 5.00pm

·         Under general anaesthesia, Tuesday and Thursdays, 8.00am – 5.00pm

Endoscopy Services (Daycare Unit Level 2)

·         OGDS and Colonoscopy, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8.00am – 1.00pm