Pilihan Bahasa


The General Surgical Department of Selayang Hospital has been operational since 1998. The department is run by 3 consultant surgeons and 7 surgeons at various levels of seniority.

Subspecialty services offered include colorectal surgery, breast and endocrine surgery, plastic surgery and burns. It also serves as a a tertiary referral center for colorectal surgery. Our department provides both elective and emergency surgery services.

The department is recognized by the Ministry of Health as a training centre for Colorectal subspecialty services and is also attachment for medical officers undergoing the General Surgery Masters programme under UKM/UM. We are also a traning centre for House Officers.

Mission, Vision and Objective

• We are committed to deliver service that is of high quality, efficient, equitable and responsive to the public
• We strive to always improve our clinical services through communication with key stakeholders including staff, patient’s, their families and the community as a whole
• We are determined to improve the quality of patient care without prejudice in a multicultural society to create a harmonious and caring environment
• We encourage research and audit in the clinical environment to improve our clinical services

• The department of general surgery strives to provide excellent and high quality service

• “to focus on wellbeing and good quality of life through health education and clinical excellence to foster a community that is advanced, disciplined and competitive”

Services Offered

The Department manages patients with various disorders related to Colorectal, Breast, Thyroid, Plastic Surgery and Burns. We also provide emergency services mainly encompassing Gastrointestinal and trauma casualties.

Outpatient services cater for referrals and are conducted three times a week. The clinics are located at level 4 where there are 10 Doctors’ consultation rooms, a procedure room and a treatment area.

Inpatient services are through 2 wards, namely 4A (Female ward) and 4B (Male ward), which are 28 bedded wards respectively for adult inpatients. Paediatric admission are in ward 8C . While first class and full paying patients facilities is also available.

The scheduled Surgeries are performed in the main operation suites four days a week. The most common surgeries performed are Colorectal, Breast and Thyroid malignancies, Hernias and Laparosopic procedures.

Day care Surgical services under Local Anesthesia are provided once a week, while Daycare Surgeries under General Anaesthesia are provided twice a week.

Endoscopy services are offered within the daycare complex and cater for patients requiring upper & lower Endoscopy which are both diagnostic and therapeutic in nature.

The Burns unit was started in 2004 and aims to provide clinical services for adult burns of various degree of severity are treated at our unit.

Clinic, Ward and Daycare Information and Location

1. Inpatient Care

General Surgery Wards

·         Female Ward – 4A (Level 4)

·         Male Ward – 4B (Level 4)

·         Burns Unit (Level 5)

·         Paediatrics Multidisciplinary Ward 8C (Level 8

·         Multidisciplinary First Class Wards 9A and 9B (Level 9)

          For visiting hours, please refer to the hospital main webpage

2. Outpatient Care

General Surgery Clinic (Level 4)

·         On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8.00am – 1.00pm

3. Day Care

Daycare Surgery (Daycare Unit Level 2)

·         Under local anaesthesia, Wednesdays, 8.00am – 5.00pm

·         Under general anaesthesia, Tuesday and Thursdays, 8.00am – 5.00pm

Endoscopy Services (Daycare Unit Level 2)

·         OGDS and Colonoscopy, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8.00am – 1.00pm


Academic and clinical case discussions are held on a regular basis.

Within the department, weekly medical education sessions are conducted with House Officers and Medical Officers which covers various topics of interest. Case discussions are held with the Imaging Department and the Pathology Department once every months.

At the Hospital level, the Specialists and Medical Officers are actively involved in the Continuous Medical Education sessions. Similarly, the nursing staff conduct their own medical education.

Annually, the Department organizes a series of seminars such as stoma care, colorectal workshops and surgical skills workshop.


The Department is actively involved together with the Clinical Research Centre[CRC] and is also actively involved in presenting Papers and posters at various local conferences.

Future Direction

The Department hopes to develop as a centre for Colorectal Surgery and General Surgery with competent and trained personnel.