Pilihan Bahasa


The Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Selayang Hospital provides a range of psychiatric services, carries out mental health promotion, trains all levels of health care professionals and is actively involved in research.

The comprehensive range of services is provided in a number of locations. On level 2 of the hospital is located the Psychiatric ward 2C which is a gazetted ward under the Mental Health Act 2001 that provides for the treatment of voluntary and involuntary inpatients. On the same level is located the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry service also known as MeKAR that provides multidisciplinary outpatient, referral and consultation services to children and adolescents aged below 18 years. The Community Psychiatry Unit is also located on this level and it provides Hospital Based Community Psychiatry Service to patients in the community and in their homes. The outpatient Specialist Psychiatry Clinic is located on level 4 in clinics shared with the Department of Dermatology.

The department is headed by a senior consultant psychiatrist. The multidisciplinary staff consists of psychiatrists (general and subspecialty), medical officers, nurses, assistant medical officers, occupational therapists, counselors, a speech therapist and attendants. The department partners with the psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and nursing staff of the medical faculty of Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) who use the department facilities for the teaching of undergraduate medical students and postgraduate Masters trainees in Psychiatry.

The department is an accredited training centre for the Conjoint Masters of Psychiatry program as well as for subspecialty training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Mission, Vision & Objective


The department will utilize evidence-based practice that is current and of the highest standards as well as being patient-centered and patient-friendly. Care is provided through a multidisciplinary team and in collaboration with other relevant departments in the hospital as well as via networking with other departments and organizations outside the hospital.

The department also practices the core values of Selayang Hospital and the Ministry of Health including the corporate culture of Professionalism, Teamwork and Caring Culture. It also adheres to the provisions of the Mental Health Act 2001 that governs the provision of psychiatric service and includes comprehensive care, treatment, control, protection and rehabilitation of those with mental disorders.



The Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Selayang Hospital will be a centre of excellence in providing psychiatric care and treatment, conduct training and research as well as produce innovations that will deliver the best possible outcome for the patients and society.



  1. Comprehensive, effective and efficient services, including outpatient, inpatients, community outreach services, special services looking into child and adolescents, elderly, co-morbidity with substance use, etc.
  2. Integrated psychiatric services in mainstream general health care and continuous services
  3. Promotion of mental health services for the general population and specific target groups
  4. Multisectoral collaboration and opportunity for community participation
  5. Training for all levels of staff
  6. Monitoring of standards by key performance indicators, National Indicator Approach (NIA), credentialing and privileging of special procedures
  7. Research that is service-oriented and providing evidence for clinical practice
  8. Services that comply with legislation i.e. Mental Health Act 2001.

Services And Achievement


1)     i. Outpatient Care

- Outpatient clinics consist of Child and Adolescent Clinic and adult psychiatric clinic. The adult clinic is located at level 4 Klinik Pakar. The adult psychiatric clinics are running by our Medical Officer and psychiatrists on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday. It consists of General Clinic , Liasion Clinic , Addiction Clinic, Counseling Clinic, Clinical and Psychology Clinic.

- The Child and Adolescent Clinic which is also called as Mekar clinic is at Level 2. This clinic also have Eating Disorder Clinic , Clinical Psychology Clinic , Counseling Clinic and Occupational Therapy Clinic. The Child and Adolescent clinic also provide special programs such as Day Care Program and Secondary School Consultation.

 ii. Inpatient Care

Located in Wad 2C, providing 20 beds for male and female patients that been referred from Emergency Dept and another hospital such as HKKB and HOAG. This services are running for 24 hours with 3 shift form Nurses , Assistant Medical Officer and Pembantu Perawatan Kesihatan.

2)  MENTARI (Community Mental Health Centre) and Community Psychiatry Services (CPS)

- Range of services in MENTARI include :
a) Promotion of mental health
b) Screening and early detection of mental health issues
c) Early intervention
d) Work-based Rehabilitation and Supported employment

- CPS is a community service by psychiatry team where
a) Care and treatment are being delivered close to home (especially to those who frequently default from clinic and admitted to the ward)
b) Risk management of dangerousness among psychiatric patients
c) Interventions given to improve disabilities as well as symptoms
d) Treatment and care given specific to the diagnosis (i.e Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder (with psychosis or suicidality) and Organic Brain Disorder)
e) Treatment Activities include symptom management, medication management, social support mobilization and improve functional level


3)  Liaison Services

- Established since 2015, the team consists of 2 psychiatrists with special interest in liaison psychiatry and 1 Medical Officer
- Tasks include multidisciplinary involvement in managing patients holistically in which we receive referrals from all other disciplines/ wards for collaborative management of patients with psychiatric disorders or psychological problems
- Psychiatric assessments for patients on the list for organ transplantation



1) World Mental Health Day (WMHD) Programme

- Celebrated annually worldwide
- Programmes include outreach to public and creating awareness regarding mental health and psychological wellbeing
- In 2018, our WMHD was organized in Melawati Mall and officiated by YB Syed Saddiq, Minister of Youth and Sports.

2) Code Grey Training

- Training programme in identification and management of aggressive patients in Ministry of Health facilities
- Our Code Grey team is involved in training of trainers in the state of Selangor.

3) Suicide Risk Management

- Services are coordinated under the Hospital Suicide Risk Management Committee .
- Main aim is Identification of patients with suicidal risk and its management for inpatients and outpatients as well as training programs.
- Outreach programme to the public regarding awareness of suicidal risk factors and how to seek help through poster presentations

4) Special Designated Training Centre

- Master of Medicine in Psychiatry
- MRCPsych: Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK)
- Psychiatric posting for undergraduate students from various universities including UiTM, UPNM and MAHSA






Kursus Pengendalian Pesakit Agresif

9 Julai 2018

Auditorium Hospital  Selayang

 Gambar 1

World Mental Health Day

14 Oktober 2018

Melawati Mall

 Gambar 2


Gambar 3

Seminar Parenting Today’s Teens

20 Oktober 2018

Auditorium Uitm


Medical Assessment of Child Custody Cases Course

22 Oktober 2018

Auditorium Uitm


Management of Aggresion in MOH facilities

19 Mac 2019

Bilik Seminar Jabatan Psikiatri dan Kesihatan Mental Hospital Selayang

 Gambar 4


Gambar 5