Pilihan Bahasa

Services Offered

1.Inpatient care:

General Hepatology Ward, Liver High Dependency Ward and Intensive Care.

2.Outpatient care

(i) Liver Clinics, (ii) Portal Hypertension Clinics, (iii) Networking and Outreach Clinics, (iv) Hepatitis Education Clinics and (v) Liver Elastography  Assessment (Fibroscan)

3.Day Care

(i) Endoscopy service -upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), double balloon enteroscopy and capsule endoscopy.

(ii) Portal haemodynamics service -Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient Measurement and Transjugular Liver Biopsy

(iii) Daycare Ascites Service

4.Research/Clinical Trial

We have the facility and experience to carry out phase II/III clinical trials and we have been actively involved in Hepatitis B and C trials. If you are interested to know more please, ask the doctor who looks after you.

The Malaysian Liver Disease Registry is based in our department and we collect data on chronic viral hepatitis in collaboration with other hospitals in the country.

5.Subspecialty Training

Our department is a recognized training centre for the Malaysian Ministry of Health Subspecialties Training Programme in Hepatology and also in Gastroenterology. The Hepatology training programme is 3 years programme and we also have 6 months Hepatology attachment for Gastroenterology trainees. Trainees will receive exposure in managing simple and complex cases of acute, acute-on-chronic and chronic liver diseases. This includes chronic viral hepatitis, autoimmune liver diseases, metabolic liver diseases, acute liver failure and end-stage liver failure with its associated complications like variceal bleeding, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy and hepatocellular carcinoma. Training also includes the assessment, evaluation and management of patients requiring liver transplantation.

The procedures that you will be trained in are diagnostic and therapeutic upper and lower endoscopies and therapeutic paracenteses. Further training may include ERCP/EUS, portal hemodynamics and transjugular liver biopsy.