Pilihan Bahasa

Misi, Visi, Objektif

Mission :
We are committed to the provision of safe and quality anaesthesia, intensive care and pain management services in partnership with the other departments and services in the hospital. We are guided by principles of providing quality and safe services in accordance with high standard of team work and professionalism

Vision :
To be the centre of excellence in various divisions including anesthesia and intensive care, intraabdominal transplant services, acute and chronic pain management fields, postgraduate medical studies and as well as a centre for medical research

Objective :
1- To provide anesthesia and high standard of critical care in a safe and professional manner
2- To provide related services within our expertise such as resuscitation and pain management and therefore, be an effective member of the health care team
3- To provide total clinical services in a patient-friendly environment
4- To ensure the continuing education of the staff of the department, so as to maintain our services at high standards; as well as continually improve our services
5- To encourage members of the department to strive for excellence and to provide the working environment that supports this
6- To promote good relations between staff and department
7- To encourage staff to carry out research projects in anesthesia and intensive care.