Pilihan Bahasa

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 7.30 am to 5:00 pm
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays Closed
An on-call service is provided 24 hours each day for urgent and emergency procedures.


Contact Telephone Numbers:

General Enquiries: +6 03 61263333 ext 2134 & 2135
MRI Enquiries &  Appointments +6 03 61263333 ext 2147
Ultrasound Enquiries & Appointments: +6 03 61263333 ext 2151
Angiography & Interventional Procedures
Enquiries & Appointments:
+6 03 61263333 ext 2161
Mammography Enquiries & Appointments: +6 03 61263333 ext 2155
All Other Appointments: +6 03 61263333 ext 2134 & 2135


We want to make your stay in our department comfortable. Please bear with us if there is a short delay.
We might be waiting for an imaging procedure on another patient to be completed.
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you think you have been waiting for too long.

Our personnel are committed to provide the highest attainable standard of care. We strive to continually improve our service and value feedback:

 Please address your feedback to:

Head of Department,

Department of Diagnostic Imaging,

Selayang Hospital,



Tel : +6 03 6126 3333 ext : 2153

Fax : +6 03 61370857

E-Mail :