The Nursing Service is managed by Chief Matron assisted with five Zone Matrons to co-ordinate the operational activities. The zones under their administrations are:
Zone 1 : (Chief Matron) | General Operation Theatres (GOT), Maternity Operation Theatres (MOT) ,Day Care Complex ,Day Care Operation Theatres , CSSD, Infection Control, Ward 4D , Ward 10A, CME, QA , and Nursing Administration. |
Zone 2 : | Medical related discipline, CCU, Ward 5D, 9C,9D, 10C, 10D ,and multidiscipline 1st Class 9A and 9B |
Zone 3 : | Obstetric and Gynaecology, covering Labour Room, Patient Assessment Centre , Wards - 5A, 5B, 5C, 11C and Paediatric Wards 8A, 8B, 8C and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. |
Zone 4 : | Surgical Related discipline, Wards – 4A, 4B, 4C, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 7C, 7D and 8D. |
Zone 5 : | Specialised areas and Clinics. GICU, HDW, Burn Unit, Accident and Emergency , Clinics Level 3 and 4, Imaging and Diagnostic, CAPD, HDU, Wards – 2C, 7A, 7B. |
The Ward Sister is responsible for the management of patient care in their respective ward / area.
The Registered Nurses provide direct, individualised care. The Community Nurses are designated members of the nursing team who assist in giving care to all patients.
Daily scheduled roster for Sister on call and weekly assignment for Matron on call responsible for nursing administration and monitoring continuity of patient care.