Dr Faridah HASSAN is the senior consultant and Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) in Hospital Selayang. She obtained her Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) at the University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She completed her postgraduate Otorinolaryngology fellowship in Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland in 1995 and subspecialty training in Laser Surgery and Laryngology in 2001 from University Catholic Leuven in Mont. Godine, Yvior, Belgium.
She possessed Certificate of Medical Law from Harun Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia and Certificate of Medical Impairment Assessor from National Institute Occupational & Health (NIOSH). She had training in Voicecraft Techniques under the supervision of Dr Alison Bagnall, Voicecraft International Limited, Adelaide and training in Sleep Medicine under University of Sydney as well as a medical educator training organized by the Royal College of Physicians, London and University of New Castle University of Medicine, Malaysia
She is the Chairman of the Laryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Chapter of the Subspecialty Committee, Advisor for Working Committee of “The ORL Standards of Sleep Facility, Ministry of Health” Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia 2011, revision 2015, Clinical Advisor for Otorhinolaringology Services to Selangor State Health Department, EXCO member for Malaysian Nasopharyngeal Society, ORL representative for Advisory Committee on “Registration Under the Impairment Act 2007” of the Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Woman & Family, Malaysia and “Ask the Expert” penal of MyHealth portal for the Ministry of Health, surveyor for the Malaysian Society of Quality in Health, reviewer for the Malaysian Medical Journal, member of Subspecialty Committee for ORL Services Ministry of Health, life member of Malaysian Oncology Society, member of Working Committee in Coordination of the ORL Master Program, Ministry of Health, member of Advisory Committee of the Registration of Driving License, collaboration between Ministry of Health and Road & Traffic, member of Board of Examiners in the Post Basic Education, Ministry of Health, member of Malaysian Society of ORL-H&N Surgeons and member for various hospital committees .
She has been involved in research for more than 10 years and has few articles published. She also has contributed to the development of The Clinical Practice Guidelines on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, MSQH Hospital Accreditation Standards Development 5th Edition, “Primary Care Referral Guidelines, curriculum of Advance Diploma on Peri-operative Nursing- ORL , Head & Neck surgery module curriculum of Advance Diploma on Oncology Nursing- Head & Neck cancer module and Post-basic Education Curriculum Revision and Preparation of Instructors’ Manual organized by Training Division, Ministry of Health, “Trainers’ module for the primary health worker in the Care of Special Needs Children and The Health Technology Assessment on Transnasal Oesophagoscopy
Her interests include Phonietric rehabilitation (voice disorders); Head & neck oncology especially nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC); medical law and medical education.