
Zoning Concept at the Emergency Department.

All zones in the department are designed and equipped specifically to cater for the different level of care and patient needs.

Resuscitation Zone
This zone is dedicated and confined to the critically ill patients with unstable hemodynamics and in need of urgent emergency life saving treatment.
The philosophical concept of the “Golden Hour ” which stipulates that all trauma patients requiring prompt and urgent treatment within a prescribed and stipulated time as in the “Advanced Trauma Life Support ” is observed strictly.

Infrastructure and Facilities :
1. Resuscitation Bays.
• There are 6 resuscitation bays in the zone , two of which are dedicated to pediatric resuscitation and 4 are for adult resuscitation.
• The resuscitation bays are specifically designed so as to allow all resuscitative procedures to be carried out easily based upon the ‘ Trauma Team’ concept.

2. Critical Care Bays.
• This area is dedicated for the management and observation of critically ill patients prior transfer to ICU/Operation theatre for the definitive treatment.
• Four intensive care bays with central monitoring and life suppotr facilities are available in theses bays.

Immediate Care Zone.
This zone is dedicated to receive patients that are in a semicritical condition and are hemodynamically stable.
Infrastructure and Facilities :
1. Immediate Bays :
• There are 12 Immediate bays in the Emergency Department which serve as active bays for incoming semicritical patients.
• The bays also serve as an observation area if the need arises

Observation Bays.
This area is dedicated for the observation of semi –critical patients with labile physiological and clinical conditions.
• There are 12 beds available in the Observation Bay
• The duration of patient stay in this area is not more than 12 hours.

Green Zone.
This zone caters for patients with minor injuries or those with uncomplicated medical problems.
Infrastructure and Facilities.
• Consultation Rooms.
There are 6 consultation rooms which are equipped with minor treatment facilities.
• All patients undergo simple treatment management such as injection, strapping or wound dressing
in the consultation room itself prior to being discharged.

Asthma Bay.
This area is dedicated for asthmatic patients with mild to moderate attacks of asthma.
• There is no waiting time for asthmatics patients.
• Following triage at the Triage Center , the patients aren directed straight to the Asthma Bay for emergency treatment.

One Stop Crisis Center.
Two consultation rooms in the Green Zone are specially dedicated for the One Stop Crisis Center
• This center caters for all victims of domestic violence , rape and child abuse.
• After triage , the patients are accompanied by a department staff straight to the OSCC without registration. Registration is done by either emergency staff or accompanying person.

Scope of service of the OSCC.
• Medical Social Welfare services .
• Provision of temporary shelter while awaiting ‘save shelter.’
• Referral to SCAN team for child abuse cases.
• Availabilty of in house Hospital police station for the ease of the victims to lodge police report .

Emergency Imaging Unit.
• This unit is located in the Emergency Department .
• It is manned by a team of radiographer and attendant and functions on a 24 hour basis.
• Only plain X-ray imaging is available in the Emergency Department.

Disaster and Mass Casualty Incident Management.
The Emeregncy department has its own external disaster plan. In the event of a disaster or mass casualty incident the Emergency Department will respond accordingly by activating its external disaster management protocol.