
Services Offered

Health Education Unit provides and coordinate:

1. Patient Education Programmes including health education classes for diabetes, hypertension, renal and asthma patients.

2.Health promotion programmes

  • Healthy Lifestyle Campaign eg Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, Not Smoking and Managing Stress. Activities included walking 10,000 steps, talks, exhibition, seminar, training etc.
  • Celebrating Health Events eg World Health Day, World No Tobacco Day, Organ Donation Awareness Week etc.
  • Broadcast in-house EMS TV network & MedikTV daily from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.

3. Producing & Distributing Health Education Materials

  • Posters, phamplets, booklets, flyers and videos (distributed to wards, departments and to the public)

4. Quit Smoking Clinic

We provide free counselling for clients who wish to stop smoking including in-
patients, staff and walk in clients. The clinic operates every Monday, Wednesday &
Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm and the service is available by appointment.

Talks at Patient Education Classes

Weekly Health Exhibitions at Main Lobby

Health Messages at Visitors Lift


Healthy Lifestyle Campaign & Health Events Celebration Activities