Standard & Client Charter
- Every customer will be treated with care, consideration and dignity.
- Every customer will be given a clear and comprehensive explanation about the test requested when necessary.
- Every specimen shall be handled in a recommended manner.
- Every test shall be performed timely, carefully and accurately using proven and reliable methodology and utilising where possible the latest technology available.
- Urgent (stat) tests shall be attended to and carried out immediately.
- All examination results shall be handled appropriately and kept confidential.
Standard Timeliness
Laboratory Turn Around Time (LTAT)for urgent (Stat) tests (Refer to Appendix [1] ) : within one hour
LTAT for routine tests performed daily all in within 4 hours:
- Chemical Pathology
- Haematology
- Blood Bank
LTAT for batch testing in:
- Microbiology
- Chemical Pathology
- Haematology
- Refer to the specific test in Appendix [2] : a-d
LTAT for microbiology tests:
- Cultures : 24 to 72 hours
- Participation in national and external Quality Assurance Program (QAP).
- Received accreditation certification from NATA for compliance in ISO 15189 in 2007.
Integrated Clinical Laboratory Service
The Pathology Department practices integration of Clinical Laboratory services. Integrated areas include the following:
- Central Specimen Reception (CSR)
- Main Laboratory – for routine and urgent Blood Bank, Haematology, Chemical Pathology and Clinical Laboratory analyses. It functions 24 hourly.