
Dato Dr Fitjerald

 Dato Dr Fitjerald

Dato Dr Fitjerald is the consultant general surgeon ( colorectal) and Head of Surgical Department of Selayang Hospital. He obtained his MBBS from University of Malaya in 1989 and completed his fellowship in Surgery ( FRCS, Edinburgh) in 1994. Subsequently, he completed his subspecialty training in Colorectal Surgery at Colorectal Unit, Singapore General Hospital in December 2000

Dato Dr Fitjerald is currently the National Head of Colorectal division of Ministry of Health. He provides training to undergraduate and postgraduate students at various local universities. Besides, he is also a trainer for “Basic Surgical Skills” programmes. Dato Fitjerald is also a life member of Malaysian Medical Association ( MMA) and a committee member of Hospice Negeri Sembilan. He frequently volunteers his service at various medical camps. He is also involved in organizing annual doctor’s dinner or games.

Dato Fitjerald has conducted over 13 research both IIR and ISR research. He also presented his paper at Royal College of Surgeon conferences and other local or international meetings.

His main focus of interests is colorectal surgery.