Pilihan Bahasa


Although gazetted to provide only secondary level care, this unit also dispenses tertiary level services in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and also acts as a High-Risk Referral Centre.

The first IT documentation form (Obstetrics clerking form) was designed and built by the OBGYN core team, with the help of Cerner. We are one of the first departments to become paperless in May 2000.

This department accounts for 65.06% of the Inpatients (including all newborn babies, which has been placed under Paediatrics, by the system) and 20% of the outpatients for the year 2000. Under Obstetrics, we are selective to provide Quality Care for High-Risk patients.

This department has a Resident Specialist On-Call to monitor all patients in labour (especially High Risk ones) and to attend to all emergencies within minutes. There was no Maternal Death recorded for the year 2000, despite having a large number of High Risk Patients referred to this department.

This department takes over full coverage and networking of the Northern Zone of Selangor (both hospitals and health clinics), that included Kuala Kubu Bharu Hospital and Sungai Buloh Hospital. Weekly specialist visits to these hospitals commenced in October 2000, providing ward rounds and running Specialist Clinics. Audits, Mortality and Morbidity meetings, Continuous Medical Education (CME) and training are organised for all categories of staff from hospitals and health clinics.

There are ongoing plans to develop Gynaecologic Endoscopy (Minimally Invasive Surgery); Family Planning and Feto-Maternal Medicine as subspecialties in the near future. Gynaecological office procedures are implemented to reduce admissions.